Friday, December 10, 2010

In which the Darkness cometh

I am at the center of a maelstrom. It rages and I can see it all so clearly. I don't need music to write in this mood. I don't need descriptive settings or romantic ideals, gothic emotions or vintage knowledge.

My vision is perfect when I'm upset. Literally. Figuratively. Oh how heavy and huge and hurtful it all can be.

The air I breathe in is too much for my lungs. Expanding me out and how tiresome that is.

Dear Blog. Hear me. Here I am. There are times when I feel much older than I am. I might be jaded. I probably am and under it I'm so hopeful. I don't know where this blog is going. My fingers sound like they mean business with each key stroke but my brain is on auto pilot. Today, the moon suggested fasting and solitude. I got food poisoning and my person to person interactions are wearing me down. Wonderful advice moon but calling it sky doesn't make it more obtainable. I feel like my stomach is about to turn in to a golf course sprinkler. There's nothing creative in this mood. No redeeming, underlying good underlying these words. It's a reverse fever.

I need to get out of my head for a few. Nothing triggered it. This is the circle closed. Tonight it starts again and I'l be euphoric come tomorrow. It's cathartic and a much needed release.

Goodnight dear blog, I'm going to go sleep it off.

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