Sunday, November 25, 2012

21 Weeks, 2 Days

Today, as the title implies, I am 21 weeks and 2 days. Yesterday was the most active this little one has ever been. So active, in fact, that when my darling husband placed his hand on my stomach for nightly cuddles - the little one went crazy and started kicking at his hand. He even felt a few of the stronger kicks! I remember this happening with Aida too. I'm not sure how they know it's their dad's hand but his touch is like a little wake up alarm and they are eager for his attention. People who haven't been pregnant ask me what it's like to have something growing inside you. What it's like to feel it kick and turn and flip. At first, it's like feeling your heartbeat in your stomach or a muscle twitch. A movement you don't control and may hardly notice. I can't think of a good example for when they are bigger and tap dancing their way across your insides. It's the very best part of being pregnant I think because there's nothing else like it. I'm a little late in the game getting in to a pregnancy blog. Here I am though! Admire the late comer, writing away. Snacking on my bowl of flavorless, steel cut oats and dreading the three exams I have to take for school today. Blonde and I are trying to do a no-sugar change in our diets. This is mostly prompted by Thanksgiving overload and also my very frantic desire to stay extremely healthy this pregnancy and only gain weight as needed. I've gained about ten pounds so far. I'm perfectly ok with gaining as much as this little one needs but not ok with gaining weight because I couldn't avoid a pie. I can avoid a pie! Well, I mean, I haven't so far. But today is a new day! A day of no sugar! Since this is my first post in what I will hopefully update more often, here is the reader's digest on this pregnancy. Got it the very first try. Clearly remember, it was July 14th. I know exactly when I ovulate, no test needed. Thank you very much mother nature for giving me extremely fertile genes on both sides of the old family tree. I had absolutely no morning sickness. For the first time ever, I finally understand how someone could go for months and months and not know they are pregnant. I actually felt better and had more energy in those starting months than I usually do. Still do. This is a symptom-less pregnancy. Couldn't find out gender. Little one had their legs crossed tight on the big day and didn't feel like moving. Unsure if we will get another one. My doctor is going to look at ultrasound results in the next week and see if we need to go back for another scan for any reason. If we do, we will likely find out gender - little one will be too big to hide, ha. If we don't, we'll find out on the big day. If we do need another ultrasound, I'm really hoping we can go the first week of January and not sooner. They aren't cheap and I want every dime possible to go to the deductible on my delivery. And that's me for now! I'm going fight to keep my no sugar diet and go study for those exams. It's been a lot easier to go back to school and be pregnant, work full time and have a three year old than I thought it would be. "You don't know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.' - Unknown.

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