Monday, November 26, 2012

21 Weeks, 3 Days

'Food has replaced sex in my life, now I can't even get into my own pants' - Lynda Montgomery

 Today's topic is about cravings.

It all started last night when I was watching Food Network - this channel should be illegal for pregnant women because it introduces us to food cravings we probably wouldn't have ever had. For example, one would-be iron chef made a delicious bite of homemade pasta with anchovy sauce that has been burning in my brain ever since. 

So when I came home tonight and saw my dearest husband cooking up some of his famous spice rubbed pork chops, he must have read the slight disappointment on my face.

Because I wanted PASTA. Nay, I CRAVED PASTA. 

Craving is a want wrapped up in a physical need. It starts at the base of your spine and radiates outwards a sunset caught fire. Until everything else tastes like ash on your tongue. The mere thought of eating anything but the craved food seems flat and boring. It's oatmeal compared to a rich, lovingly prepared dinner.

Or in this case PASTA.

Pasta that my darling husband boldly made a special trip to the store for. With but a kiss of endearment on my forehead and a look of slight confusion over why it had to be PASTA, but fetching it all the same because he just loves me that much.

Mark that up as number three thing I struggle to make non-pregnant people understand, the first two being extreme moods (crying at Google commercials) and what it feels like to have the baby move.

I can't explain why some times you wake up and you need a watermelon. Or a pickle. It's just the way it is.

Oh! Before I forget, day two of no-sugar is going good! I had no sugary treats today. So yay for taking things one day at a time.

In other news - I believe strongly in the power of 'ignore' but everyday it's getting harder to pretend. This marks two days in a row I've had to reach for the Tums. And unless this baby is going to decide to come out bald, it's going to likely escalate. With my first I had constant heartburn towards the end, regardless of what I ate or took.

For now, I'm going to continue to ignore because you never know. Mind over acid and the like.

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